
" The first thing I had to do [to grow my business] was get my credit in shape. I didn’t need credit before, so I didn’t really care about what was in my credit report. Luckily, I was able to get some advice from the America Advances team.. "

- Thomas Israel C.E.O

" In a short period, I have gone from a business with no rating to an A rated company. I could not have done it without the tools provided by America Advances. "

- Barbara McIntosh M.D

" I quickly found an erroneous tax lien on my business report with America Advances Premium. I resolved it and saved hundreds of dollars in insurance costs. "

- Carl Oliver P.A

" America Advances keeps me in the know at any time I’m interested in looking at a new vehicle or investment properties. Best of all right now, I use their free service and when I make the decision to make a really big deal, I’ll go pro. "

- Christa Smith Manager

" There is now an abundance of readable dummy texts. These are usually used when a text is required. "

- Dean Tolle Developer

" The interactive dashboard, monitoring and tools provide by America Advances has yielded positive results for both personal and professional endeavors and well being. Confidence as a CEO has increased in dealing with day to day funding needs and options. As well as peace of mind on security and fraud protection. "

- Jill Webb Designer